I believe in one God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created man in His own image and for the purpose of glorifying Him. However, instead of glorifying God, man glorifies himself and worships the created things instead of the Creator. Because of his rebellion and sin, man is separated from God and deserving of God’s punishment.


    For His glory and because of His love for His children, God initiated a plan of redemption, which He fully accomplished on their behalf. God the Father sent Jesus the Son, fully God and fully man, to die on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sin of His children. Jesus lived a sinless life on earth, suffered death on the cross, was buried, and then rose again from the dead, demonstrating His victory over sin and death. Jesus fully paid for the redemption of God’s children, and, by God’s grace, we respond with repentance and faith.


    God, the Holy Spirit, opens blind eyes and draws God’s children to salvation. He then dwells in the hearts of believers, enabling their sanctification, and sealing them for eternity. The Holy Spirit has also been given to the people of God to empower them for obedience, service, and witness.


    God brings His children together to form a family of believers, called the church, whose joy and duty is to live in unity in the power of the Holy Spirit and under the authority of Scripture. goes here


    I believe that the Bible is divine revelation, and I submit to its authority, acknowledging it to be inspired by God, without error and carrying the full weight of His authority.